Personal Information

Use the Personal Information module to view and modify your user settings, submit absence requests, and view holidays earned, flex days, purchase orders, and personal expense records.

My Settings

Use My Settings to view and modify your user settings. These include your email import settings, client list, calendar synchronization settings, mileage types, grid settings, language and format settings, notification and conversation settings, themes and templates, system shortcuts, reminders, and login settings. You can also perform performance tests in My Settings.

Absence Overview

Use Absence Overview to submit absence requests and to add or delete absence entries. It also provides information about earned holidays and holiday periods.

Flex Day Overview

Use Flex Day Overview to view a day-by-day list of the flex day calculations. System variable 503 must be enabled in Settings to enable WorkBook to handle flex days.

Personal Expense Status

Use Personal Expense Status to view information about your personal expense entries. You can display all of your personal expense entries or you can filter them by their status - paid entries, unpaid entries, or unpaid and unapproved entries. You can also display the entries based on a specific date range.

My Purchase Orders

Use My Purchase Orders to view information about your purchase order activities. You can display all of your purchase orders or you can filter them by their status. The Default view displays each purchase order as a single line item. The Activity Recognition view displays the purchase order and the activities associated with it.