Company Variable 75: Job Adjustment Method

Use this Company Variable to determine the mode of job adjustments that should be used. This affects the appearance of the job adjustment window in all instances that it appears.

You can select one of the following methods for this setting:
  • 1 - Balance sheet method: This uses the basic WIP balance method.
  • 2 - P/L method: This uses the basic P/L WIP revenue method.
  • 3 - P/L method including PQ line level: This uses the basic P/L WIP revenue method with additional line-level calculation options.

The default value for this Company Variable is 1 - Balance sheet method.

Each option impacts how the job adjustment window appears. It also impacts how the job adjustment is calculated but not how it is posted to Finance.

If the Balance Sheet method is selected, the job adjustment window displays the following columns:
  • Currency: This column displays the currency that all values are shown in.
  • All Approved Price Quotes: This column displays the total values from the approved price quotes. The value forms the baseline for the job and is used to calculate the completion rate.
  • Externally Approved Price Quotes: This column displays the total values from price quotes that have been set to status 50 - Externally Approved.
  • Total Expenditures: This column displays the total expenditures incurred on the job.
  • Previously Partially Invoiced: This column displays the total invoiced amount on partial invoices.
  • Settled Expenditures via Partial Invoicing: This column displays the total amount of expenditures that have been settled with a partial invoice. This amount, although not necessarily the same, most often equals the amount that is invoiced. Expenditures that have been settled no longer contributes to the WIP value.
  • Total Previous Adjustments: This column displays the previous adjustments on the job.
  • Actual WIP Value: This column displays the total expenditures plus the total previous adjustments.
  • New WIP Value: This column displays the new WIP balance after the adjustment.
  • New Adjustment: This column displays the actual adjustment being made.
  • Completion Rate %: This column displays the new WIP value divided by all approved price quotes.
The columns are broken down into the following categories or rows:
  • Hours
  • Extra/Discounts
  • Materials
  • Purchases sale
  • Total
If the P/L method is selected, the job adjustment window displays the following columns:
  • Currency: This column displays the currency that all values are shown in.
  • All Approved Price Quotes: This column displays the total values from the approved price quotes. The value forms the baseline for the job and is used to calculate the completion rate.
  • Externally Approved Price Quotes: This column displays the total values from price quotes that have been set to status 50 - Externally Approved.
  • Total Costs Incurred (sales price): This column displays the total expenditures incurred on the job.
  • Previously Partially Invoiced: This column displays the total invoiced amount on partial invoices.
  • Total Previous Adjustments (recognized): This column displays the previous adjustments on the job.
  • Actual P/L Value: This column displays the total costs incurred plus the total previous adjustments.
  • New P/L Value: This column displays the new WIP P/L value after the adjustment.
  • New Adjustment: This column displays the actual adjustment being made.
  • Completion Rate %: This column displays the new WIP value divided by all approved price quotes.
  • Invoice on Account: This column displays the total invoiced amount on account invoices.
  • Accrued/Deferred: This column displays the new P/L value - Invoice on Account.
The columns are broken down into the following categories or rows:
  • Hours
  • Extra/Discounts
  • Materials
  • Purchases sale
  • Total
  • Purchases cost
  • Total NR
Both, Balance Sheet and P/L methods have the following options:
  • Recalculate: This option recalculates the values of the adjustment as new entries on the job are not automatically included.
  • WIP Value to Zero: This option automatically calculates the adjustment needed to set the job's WIP value to zero. It is also possible to run this across multiple jobs from the Context menu at the top left corner of the follow-up.
  • Reset All Previous Adjustments: This option automatically calculates the adjustment needed to undo all previous adjustments on the job so that only the actual expenditures are contributing to the WIP value. It is also possible to run this across multiple jobs from the Context menu at the top left corner of the follow-up.
  • Completion Rate: In this field, you can enter a percentage to automatically calculate the complete % for each row.
  • Comment: In this field you can enter a comment for the adjustment.
  • OK - Make Adjustment: This button finishes the adjustment and sends it for approval.
The P/L method including PQ line level is similar to the P/L method but has the following additional tabs:
  • Department Details: This tab shows a breakdown of each row and column by department. These fields cannot be changed.
  • Price Quote Lines: This tab includes all the lines from the approved price quotes of the job. A completion rate can be set on each line, which carries over an adjustment amount to Details.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying Company Variable values.