System Variable 896: Missing Time Sheet Entry Window: How Many Days to Look Back

Use this System Variable to specify the duration when employees are allowed to have missing time sheet entries before WorkBook blocks their access to other parts of the system. After the duration specified in this System Variable has lapsed, employees with missing time sheet entries will have access only to the Time Sheet submodule in Time & Expense.

If you want to activate this System Variable for an employee, you must first select the options User Must Enter Time Sheet and Time Entry Dialog to Appear Upon Login in the employee card.

Select any of the following options:

  • 1 - Day
  • 2 - Week
  • 3 - Month

For example, if you select 1- Day, WorkBook will block an employee's access to other parts of the system if that employee has missing time entries from the previous day.

The default vale for this System Variable is 1 - Day.