System Variable 1027: Allow to Set the Sales Invoice Date Later Than Job Close Date

Use this System Variable to determine if the Sales Invoice date can be set after the job close date.

You can select one of the following options for this setting:
  • 1 - No check, allow: When this option is selected, you can create and approve Sales Invoices whose date is set after the job close date.
  • 2 - Check on approve invoice: When this option is selected, you will not be able to approve Sales Invoices whose date is set after the job close date.
  • 3 - Check on create new invoice and approve invoice: When this option is selected, you will not be able create and approve Sales Invoices whose date is set after the job close date.

The default value for this System Variable is 1 - No check, allow.

If option 2 - Check on approve invoice or 3 - Check on create new invoice and approve invoice is selected and you try to create or approve Sales Invoices whose date is set after the job close date, you will be prompted with the following error message:
The entered invoice date is not permitted, the invoice date is later than job close date. Check system variable 1027.

A job's close date can be found and edited in Jobs > Job Properties Sidebar > Basic Job Settings.