System Variable 97: Suggested Invoice Date When Creating New Invoice

Use this System Variable to determine the default date when creating invoices.

You can select one of the following options for this setting:
  • 1 - None (blank): When this option is selected, there is no suggested or default date when creating invoices.
  • 2 - Current Date: When this option is selected, the suggested or default date when creating invoices is the current date.
  • 3 - End date: When this option is selected, the suggested or default date when creating invoices is the project end date.
  • 4 - Find last day in current month minus 10 days: When this option is selected, the suggested or default date when creating invoices is 10 days before the current month's last day.

The default value for this System Variable is 2 - Current Date.

You can create Sales Invoices in Jobs > Invoice. The suggested or default date is seen in the Create Invoice dialog box.