System Variable 1058: Lock the Price Quote Status From Being Changed Further

Use this System Variable to specify whether the Price Quote (PQ) status should be locked when it reaches a certain level.

This System Variable prevents users from changing a PQ's status once it has reached a certain level.

Select any of the following options:
  • 0 – Do not lock the status.
  • 1 – Lock once achieving status 50 "Approved externally."
  • 2 – Lock once achieving status 40 "Approved internally," status change to status 50 "Approved externally" is still allowed.
  • 3 – Lock once achieving status 50 "Approved externally." Finance users can override the status.
  • 4 – Lock once achieving status 40 "Approved internally," status change to status 50 "Approved externally" is still allowed. Finance users can override the status.

The default value for this System Variable value is 0 – Do not lock the status.

For options 3 and 4, users who have access to Finance in the Company that owns the job can change the PQ status even if the PQ is locked.

Additional restrictions may apply based on the value of System Variable 1150 for delivery jobs in the Retainer Project grouping.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.