Create a Schedule

Use the Tasks submodule to create schedules.

To use the Tasks submodule, you must have access to Jobs as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

To create a schedule:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Jobs .
  2. On the side toolbar of the Jobs screen, click Jobs List and highlight the job for which you want to create a schedule.
  3. On the side toolbar of the Jobs screen, click Tasks .
  4. If a schedule has not yet been created for the job you selected, you will be prompted to create a new one:
    1. On the Tasks screen, click CREATE NEW.
    2. On the Settings tab toolbar, click Create a New Schedule .
    3. When prompted for confirmation, click Yes.
    4. On the Settings screen, provide the values for the required fields.
  5. If a schedule already exists but you want to create a new one:
    1. On the Tasks screen, click the Settings tab.
    2. On the Settings tab toolbar, click Create a New Schedule .
    3. When prompted for confirmation, click Yes.
    4. When prompted to switch to the newly created schedule, click Yes.
    5. On the Settings screen, provide the values for the required fields.

After creating a schedule, you can now create phases. For instructions, see Create a Phase.