Create a ConceptShare Review

Use the Reviews menu on the Task Card to create Reviews.

  • In WorkBook, you must be a System Administrator, an Advanced User, or a Basic User with access to new pages.

  • In ConceptShare, you must have an account with an Account Role that has the permission Configure Integrations with Third-Party Applications enabled (set to Yes).

To create a Review:

  1. Navigate to the task that is linked to the Project within which you want to create a Review.
  2. Click Task Settings to open the Task Card, and click Reviews - ConceptShare .
  3. On the screen, click Create.
    Alternatively, click Add New Review on the grid toolbar.
    Note: The Create option is available only if the Project has no Reviews yet.
  4. In the Review Builder, provide the values for the required fields and click any of the these options:
    • Save
    • Save and Close
    For information about the fields and options, see the Review Builder.