System Variable 446: Add New Voucher: Suggest New Vouch Number but Allow User to Change

Use this System Variable to determine if new Creditor Invoices should automatically have an assigned internal voucher number and allow users to manually change the voucher number.

Submitting new Creditor Invoices requires the voucher number to be filled in. This System Variable is enabled by default. When it is enabled, voucher numbers are automatically generated based on the sequence identified for Creditor Invoices in Settings > Finance > Journal Types and can still be manually changed, if needed. You can set up the voucher sequence in Settings > Finance > Voucher Sequences.

If System Variable 446 is not enabled, voucher numbers may still be suggested if System Variable 445 is enabled. System Variable 446 allows you to manually change voucher numbers while System Variable 445 alone does not.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.