System Variable 560: Comment Required on Voucher Lines

Use this System Variable to determine if and when comments or descriptions are mandatory on creditor invoice lines.

You can select any of the following options for this setting:
  • 0 - Not required: This option does not require comments on any invoice line.
  • 1 - Required when entering arrived vouchers: This option requires comments on every invoice line while the invoice is still under preparation (Status 10) and before the invoice can be sent for approval.
  • 2 - Required before final approval of voucher: This option requires comments on every invoice line while the invoice is still for approval (Status 20) and before it can be fully approved.

The default value for this System Variable is 0 - Not required.

Comments or descriptions are not required on the header (top grid); they are only required on the detail lines (bottom grid).
Note: Line comments may be filled in automatically based on System Variable 476 and 603.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.