System Variable 813: Maximum Number of Days in the Past to Allow Invoicing (Any Non-numeric Value = No Check)

Use this System Variable to determine how many days in the past invoicing should be allowed.

This is the start of your concept.

In the field of this System Variable, you can identify the maximum number of days back that you can set as the Invoice Date. For example, if the value entered for this setting is 7 and you create a Sales Invoice on February 7, the earliest date that you can identify as the Invoice Date is January 31. If you identify a date that is earlier than January 31, you will be prompted with the following error message:
Invoice date is too far in the past. See system variable 813.

The default value for this System Variable is 90.

On the company level, you can also identify the maximum number of days back that you can set as the Invoice Date using the Max. Invoice Date for Invoicing from today's date field in Resources > Resource Information > Company Settings > Invoice Settings.