System Variable 1140: Create New Client: Enable Auto Generated Delivery Label. Creates a Delivery Label Based on the Client’s Name and Address.

Use this System Variable to determine if a delivery label should be automatically generated based on the client's name and address.

A Purchase Order delivery label is used to let suppliers know where purchased goods should be delivered. If the goods must be delivered directly to a client site, the client should be selected as the delivery recipient, and the address is taken from the Purchase Order delivery information field of Resources > Resource Information > Client Settings > Purchase Order Settings. The Purchase Order delivery information can be edited manually.

This System Variable is enabled by default. When it is enabled, WorkBook automatically creates a Purchase Order delivery label based on the name and address of the client when the client was created.
Note: The delivery label is created according to the address label composition setup.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.