System Variable 821: Default Delivery Date When Creating a New Purchase Order

Use this System Variable to determine the default delivery date for newly created Purchase Orders.

In the field of this System Variable, you can enter the number of one of the following options for this setting:
  • 1 = Job Delivery Date: When entered, this option uses the job's delivery date as the default delivery date of the newly created Purchase Order. You can find the job's delivery date in Jobs > Job Properties Sidebar > Basic Job Settings.
  • 2 = Job End Date: When entered, this option uses the job's end date as the default delivery date of the newly created Purchase Order. You can find the job's end date in Jobs > Job Properties Sidebar > Basic Job Settings.
  • 3 = Today's Date: When entered, this option uses the current date as the default delivery date of the newly created Purchase Order.

The default value for this System Variable is 1.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.