System Variable 795: Automatically Install Recommended Agents

Use System Variable 795: Automatically Install Recommended Agents to determine if adding recommended agents to the Agent Schedule should be automated.

When this System Variable is enabled, WorkBook automatically scans the Agent Schedule and identifies any missing agents that have been marked as recommended.
Note: This scan is performed during General System Maintenance.
The recommended agents are:
  • Follow-up email with approval, required follow-up's and open conversations
  • Job reporting data cube maintenance (job key figures & reporting currency tables)
  • Traffic Timer Control
  • Job cost check notification. Total cost exceeds X% of approved price quote
  • Add notification on milestone tasks to conversation list
  • Raise approval notification
  • Notification: Billable jobs ready for invoicing
  • Notification: Billable jobs with open price quotes
  • Rebuild all database indexes (defragmentation)
  • Notification: Purchase orders for settlement, PO responsible notification
  • Notification: Job ticket coupon, consumption reaches or exceeds clips
  • Notification: Job payment scheme exceeds invoice amount
  • Notification: Open invoices (under preparation or for approval) {RT139}
  • Notification: Open purchase orders (under preparation or for approval) {RT140}
  • Notification: Task with expired end date where you are responsible, show a task list {RT 141}
  • Notification: Job with missing dimension settings {RT 129}
  • Notification: Incomplete time entry {RT 138}
  • Push user-created reminders out
  • Group Scheduling Resource Recalculation V2
  • Notification: After events
  • Cache Storage Cleanup Agent
  • Resource Picture Agent
  • Documents Index Agent
  • Job teams clean-up
  • Notification: purchase orders partially settled
  • Notification: Resource required approval
  • Notification: Resource required follow-up
  • Notification: Users with no login for the last 30 days
  • Notification: Net revenue forecast for approval
  • Automatically block inactive creditors (Company Variable 48)
  • Notification: Job Custom Codes setting

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.