Dimension Settings

Use this page of the Sidebar to adjust values of predefined dimensions or to add custom-defined dimensions.


Field Description
Dimension The name of the dimension. The drop-down list is populated with all enabled dimensions.
Default Value The default value of the selected dimension on the account. The drop-down list is populated with all of the available values for the selected dimension that are enabled in the company whose Chart of Accounts you are viewing. Depending on the Method selected for this dimension, a default value might not be required; in that case it can be left blank.
Method Determines the behavior of the dimension:
  • Not allowed manually: You cannot edit the dimension value.
  • Allowed manually: You can set the dimension value manually.
  • Needed: You must provide a value for this dimension before a posting can be approved. When you select the Needed method, you can leave the Default Value blank because that value will be entered manually by the approving user before he or she approves the entry.
  • Fixed: The value for this dimension is fixed, and you cannot manually edit it within postings before they are booked to the ledger. When you select Fixed, the Default Value must have a value; that value is used as the default value on all entries that are posted to the General Ledger account. A Fixed dimension value overrides any dimension values that might be set on bookings from jobs or activities.