
Use Resources to define the resources involved in your projects on WorkBook in Resources. These include employees, companies, suppliers, clients, connections, competitors, and technical resources. After adding the resources involved in your projects, you can update the information about these entities as needed.


You can perform tasks associated with jobs and tasks assigned to other employees. You can add employees to companies, enter time, update job progress, view task and job assignments, create one-on-one conversations, modify client-access settings, update log-in settings, reset passwords, and create absence entries and requests.


You can create companies and define the parameters that they will use to process transactions within WorkBook, such as the invoice settings, job settings, price quote settings, and employee access settings. You can also upload company documents, add custom codes, have conversations with other WorkBook users who have access to the company, and maintain contact information about the company.


You can add and manage contacts for companies, clients, suppliers, prospects, and other project resources.


You can create clients and define the parameters that WorkBook will use to process transactions between these clients and the companies in the system. These parameters include the price quote settings, purchase order settings, employee and company access settings, invoice settings, and job permission settings. You can also link clients to specific debtors and keep track of the brands associated with each client.


You can create companies and define the parameters that they will use to process transactions within WorkBook, such as the invoice settings, job settings, price quote settings, and employee access settings. You can also upload company documents, add custom codes, have conversations with other WorkBook users who have access to the company, and maintain contact information about the company.

Suppliers, Competitors, Connections, and Related Resources

You can add suppliers, competitors, connections, and related resources to the system and define their settings. For example, you may want to keep track of the competitors who you lose projects to by adding them to WorkBook.