System Variable 1100: Only Include Booked Values in WIP Follow-up and Adjustment Detail Lines

Use this System Variable to determine if all WIP adjustment calculations should only be based on what has already been posted to Finance.

WIP adjustments typically include all entries on a job when calculating the WIP value or revenue and completion rates. This gives project managers an accurate representation of what is currently in their jobs and what the revenue will eventually look like. This System Variable is disabled by default. When it is enabled, WorkBook only considers fully posted entries in calculations.

Note: A fully posted entry must have been processed through Project Postings.

Regardless if this setting is enabled or not, the entries are included in calculations based on their entry dates. In some cases, this may vary from the posting date, which can lead to the entry being recognized in more or less two months. This can be corrected with an additional adjustment but it can also even out naturally over time.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.