System Variable 989: Add Additional Information on the Description for Manual Expense Entry Entries When Converted Into a Voucher

Use this System Variable to determine the additional information that should be added to manually created expense entries after the expense entries are approved and converted to Creditor Invoices.

An expense entry is converted to a Creditor Invoice and appears in Finance & Administration > Creditors > Creditor Invoices once it is approved. The Creditor Invoice information always includes essential details such as the employee creditor, the amount, the job or finance account, the expense date, and the currency. The Description field displays the details from the original expense entry followed by the information identified in this System Variable.

In the field of this setting, you can enter any string including any or both of the following dynamic strings, which are based on the expense entry:
  • <Name>: This string refers to the name of the user who owns the expense entry.
  • <Initials>: This string refers to the WorkBook initials of the user who owns the expense entry.
Since the additional information will appear exactly as it is written and will follow immediately after the original comment from the expense entry, you should add a space, dash, or colon at the beginning. For example:
: @<Initial> <Name> personal expense.
Will appear as:
Expense description: @JD John Doe personal expense.

There is no default value for this setting.

Note: Expense entries that are imported through Personal Expense Credit Card Import are covered by System Variable 990.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.