System Variable 952: WIP Adjustment Comments

Use this System Variable to determine if comments should be mandatory on WIP adjustments.

You can select one of the following options for this setting:
  • 0 - None: When this option is selected, comments are not required.
  • 1 - Job closure adjustments only: When this option is selected, only job closure adjustments require comments. These are the automatic pop-up messages that are seen when changing a job to status 4 - Invoiced or 5 - Cancelled.
  • 2 - Negative WIP adjustments only: When this option is selected, any write down requires a comment.
  • 3 - Both job closures and negative WIP comments: When this option is selected, job closure adjustments and negative WIP adjustments require a comment.

The default value for this System Variable is 3 - Both job closures and negative WIP comments.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.