System Variable 545: Allow Job to Be Closed When It Contains Non-approved Vouchers

Use this System Variable to determine if jobs with non-approved Creditor Invoices or vouchers can be closed.

This System Variable is disabled by default. When it is enabled, you can close a job even if it contains open or non-approved Creditor Invoices. If it is not enabled and you try to close a job with non-approved Creditor Invoices, you will be warned that there are non-approved Creditor Invoices and that closing the job is not allowed.

You can view the open or non-approved Creditor Invoices of a job on the Open Entries tab of Jobs > Costs. These Creditor Invoices must be approved and then posted through project postings before the job can be closed.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.