Copy Task Settings

Use the Tasks submodule to copy task-level settings from one task to one or more selected tasks within the same job.

To use the Tasks submodule, you must have access to Jobs as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

To copy task settings:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Jobs .
  2. On the side toolbar of the Jobs screen, click Jobs List and highlight the job containing the task that you want to copy.
  3. On the side toolbar of the Jobs screen, click Tasks.
  4. On the Tasks screen, click the Tasks tab.
  5. In the grid, highlight a task whose settings you want to copy and click Task Settings on the tab toolbar.
  6. On the Task card, click the Basic Settings tab, and then click Context Menu > Copy Task Settings.
  7. In the Copy Task Settings dialog box:
    1. Under the Copy These Settings column, select the settings that you want to copy.
    2. Under the Apply to These Tasks column, select the tasks that you want your selected settings applied to.
  8. Click OK.
    Important: Any existing values will be overwritten. You cannot undo this action.