System Variable 847: Create New Job, Auto Suggest Job Name

Use System Variable 847: Create New Job, Auto Suggest Job Name to determine the name that should be suggested when creating new jobs

This System Variable gives users the option to name newly created jobs by suggesting what information to include and the order that should be followed. For example, you can suggest:
<CompanyInitials> - <CustomerName>,<CustomerAddressPostcode> - <CustomerAddressCity>
Note: Values entered in the setting field should be placed between angle brackets (<>).
You can select any and more than one of the following values:
  • <CompanyName>
  • <CompanyInitials>
  • <CustomerID>
  • <CustomerName>
  • <CustomerAddressLine1>
  • <CustomerAddressLine2>
  • <CustomerAddressPostCode>
  • <CustomerAddressCity>
  • <CustomerAddressCountryCode>
  • <ProjectManagerName>
  • <ProjectManagerInitials>
  • <JobTypeName>

There is no default value for this setting.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.