Vendor Table Formats (VE)
Follow Deltek specifications for preparing a file containing vendor data.
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Notes |
Vendor | varchar | 20 | Vendor number; primary key |
AccountNumber | varchar | 25 | Account number of the regular account used for the vendor |
AvailableForCRM | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the record is available to CRM users |
Category | varchar | 1 | Vendor type; required field; must exist in CFGVendorType (Type/Label) |
CheckPerVoucher | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not to print a separate check for each voucher for the vendor; default is N (no) |
DisabledVetOwnedSmallBusiness | varchar | Variable indicating whether the Disabled Vet. owned Small Business option is selected | |
DisadvBusiness | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the Vendor is a Disadvantaged Business; default is N (No) |
DiscCode | varchar | 10 | Vendor's discount code; must exist in CFGAPDiscount |
DiscPct | decimal | 9 | Discount percent for the vendor |
DiscPeriod | smallint | 2 | Number of days within which payment must be received in order for the discount to apply |
FedID | varchar | 11 | Vendor's federal taxpayer identification number |
HBCU | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the Vendor has an HBCU (Historically Black College or University) Minority Status; default is N (No) |
LastYear1099 | decimal | 9 | 1099 amount for last year; the 1099 form for the vendor should match this amount |
Memo | text | 16 | Memo field for comments regarding the vendor |
MemoPrintOnCheck | varchar | Reserved for future use | |
MinorityBusiness | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the vendor is a Minority Business; default is N (No) |
Name | varchar | 100 | Vendor name; required field |
OHAccount | varchar | 13 | Default account to use for overhead projects in data entry; must exist in CA |
Org | varchar | 14 | Vendor's organization; used for sorting purposes only; must exist in Organization |
PayTerms | varchar | 4 | Variable indicating the default payment terms for the vendor; valid options are Next, Hold, or PWP |
PriorWork | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the vendor has done prior work for the organization; default is N (No) |
ReadyForApproval | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the record is available to Accounting users; default is N (No) |
ReadyForProcessing | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the record is approved for use in processing accounting transactions; default is N (No) |
Recommend | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the Vendor has been recommended to do work for the organization in the future; default is N (No) |
RegAccount | varchar | 13 | Default account to use for regular projects in data entry; must exist in CA |
ReimbAccount | varchar | 13 | Default account to use for reimbursable projects in data entry; must exist in CA |
Req1099 | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not a 1099 form is required for the vendor; default is N (No) |
SmallBusiness | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the vendor is a Small Business; default is N (No) |
SortName | varchar | 40 | Vendor sort name |
Specialty | text | 16 | User-entered description of the vendor's business specialty |
Status | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating the vendor's status; valid options are A (Active), I (Inactive), or D (Dormant); required field; must exist in CFGVendorStatus (Status/Label) |
ThisYear1099 | decimal | 9 | Amount paid to the vendor since the last 1099 initialization |
Type | varchar | 10 | Vendor specialty; must exist in CFGPrimarySpecialty (Code/Description) |
VetOwnedSmallBusiness | varchar | Variable indicating whether or not the Veteran Owned Small Business option is selected | |
WebSite | varchar | 255 | Vendor's Web site address |
WomanOwned | varchar | 1 | Variable indicating whether or not the Vendor is a Woman Owned Business; default is N (No) |
Address | varchar | 20 | Vendor address code; primary key |
Address1 | varchar | 50 | First line of the vendor's address |
Address2 | varchar | 50 | Second line of the vendor's address |
Address3 | varchar | 50 | Third line of the vendor's address |
Address4 | varchar | 50 | Fourth line of the vendor's address |
City | varchar | 30 | Vendor's city |
State | varchar | 10 | Vendor's state.
If you import both state and country, that combination must already be a valid combination in Deltek. If you import a state but not a country, the state must be a valid state for the United States. |
ZIP | varchar | 10 | Vendor's ZIP code |
Country | varchar | 40 | Vendor's country |
Phone | varchar | 24 | Vendor's telephone number |
FAX | varchar | 24 | Vendor's fax number |
varchar | 50 | Vendor's e-mail address | |
DefaultTaxCode | varchar | 3 | Default tax code for transactions charged to this vendor |
TaxCountryCode | varchar | 2 | Vendor's tax country code |
TaxRegistrationNumber | varchar | 15 | Vendor's tax registration number |
PrimaryInd | varchar | 1 | Flag indicating whether or not the Address is the vendor's primary address; default is N (No) |
LinkedClient | varchar |