Remove a Receipt from an Expense Line
If your system administrator configured Deltek to enable you to manage transaction documents and the expense report is editable, you can remove receipts that are associated with expense lines.
To remove a receipt from an expense line:
- In the Navigation pane, go to the My Stuff section and select Expense Reports.
- Use the search field above the Expense Reports form to search for and select the expense report that you want to update.
found under the Receipts column in the right grid of the Expense Report form for the expense line. The Expense Line Receipts dialog box displays.
- In the Receipts grid of the Expense Line Receipts dialog box, click the Attach to Selected Expense option to remove the association of the receipt with the expense line. The check mark in the Attach to Selected Expense option is removed.
- Click Save to save your changes and close the Expense Line Receipts dialog box.