Select Data Options for the Pipeline Chart
Update the pipeline dashpart by selecting options from the opportunities search filter, dimension type, and time frame drop-down lists. Filter opportunities using standard searches (All, Active, and Mine) or custom searches. Select dimensional and time frame data to plot x and y coordinates on the Pipeline chart.
Estimated and weighted revenue amounts for the selected opportunities are included on the Pipeline chart.
To select the filter and coordinates for the Pipeline chart:
- In the Navigation pane, go to the My Stuff section and select .
Select an option from one or more of the following drop-down lists:
- Opportunities search filter: click on the far left drop-down to select a search filter from the drop-down list to filter the opportunities that are included in the pipeline. Select either one of the standard filters (All, Active, or Mine), use a previously saved custom search, or click Custom to create a new custom search that you can save for future use.
- Dimension Type (x axis): click on the middle drop-down list to plot the dimension by which you analyze the pipeline revenue for the opportunities. Select a dimension option that you want to use for the vertical axis, such as By Month, By Type, By Organization, or another dimension.
- Time Frame (y axis): click on the far right drop-down list to plot the time frame for the revenue amounts that are related to the opportunities.
Deltek "remembers" your latest search and applies it by default the next time that you display the chart.