Revert a Project Plan to the Last Published Version

If you make changes to a project plan and then, before publishing it, you decide you want to discard your changes, you can return the plan to its last published version. As long as you do not publish the plan with your changes, you can revert to the last published version whether or not you have checked in the plan with those changes.

If you have saved a new baseline version of the plan since you last published the plan, the baseline plan also reverts to the last published baseline version.

To revert a project plan to the last published version:
  1. In the Navigation pane, go to the Hubs section and click Projects.
  2. Select the project for which you want to revert the plan.
  3. Switch the Project/Plan toggle to Plan.
  4. On the Actions menu, click Check Out.
  5. On the Actions menu, click Revert Plan .
  6. When a confirmation message displays, click Yes to revert to the last published version.