Employees Experience Tab (Browser)

Use this tab in the Employees hub in the browser application to add, view, and edit project experience and opportunities (proposed experience) for an employee.


Much of the information for Deltek is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Work with Grids.

If you have multiple companies in Deltek, the following applies:

  • The data that you enter on this tab applies to the company that the current record is associated with.
  • The tabs and fields that display are based on the company that the current record is associated with. For example, if the employee is associated with four different companies but only one company has access to Payroll, the Payroll tab of the Employees form only displays when you are viewing that company's record.
  • The values that are available in the individual fields and lookups are based on the company that the record is associated with. For example, only timesheet groups that are associated with the current company are available in the Group field on the Time tab of the Employees form.
  • If the Automatically retrieve your record in Employee Hub/Employee Review check box is selected in My Preferences in the desktop application, the employee record that automatically loads is for the home company that is associated with the current record. If the record is associated with multiple companies, the home company record displays first.

Project Grid

In this grid, add and view the projects that an employee is currently working on or has worked on. The projects must already exist in the Projects hub before you can make the association. After you add a project in this grid, the association is also added to the Teams tab in the Projects hub in the Team Members grid. Likewise, any associations that are made in the Projects hub for an employee are automatically added to this Projects grid in the Employees hub.

Grid Tools

Field Description
+Add Project Click this option below the grid to add a blank row to the grid and add a project for the employee.
Hover over a row in the grid, click at the end of the row, and select one of the following options from the shortcut menu to apply to the row:
  • Copy: This copies the selected project to a new row where you can edit it to add another project for the employee.
  • Delete: This deletes the selected project from the grid.
Click this icon at the top right of the grid to filter the list of projects in the grid to display only the projects that fit the criteria that you enter. In the blank row that is added to the top of the grid, enter filter criteria in one of the fields in the grid.

Grid Fields

Field Description
Project In this field, select a project that the employee has worked on.
Primary Customer This field prefills and displays the primary customer for a project after you enter a project in the Project field.
Primary Contact This field prefills with the primary contact for the project.
Role Select the employee's role on the project. A system administrator adds roles for this field on the Lists tab in Labels and Lists Settings.
Role Description Enter additional information about the employee's role on this project.
Start Enter the date that the employee started working on the project in the associated role. Because employees can have one or more assigned roles on the same project, there can be different start dates for each role.
End Enter the date the employee finished working on the project in the associated role. Because employees can have one or more assigned roles on the same project, there can be different end dates for each role.
Status This field displays the current status of the project, such as Active or Dormant.
Total Hours If you have the Time & Expense and Accounting applications, this field displays the total hours that are entered on the employee's timesheets for this project. If you do not have the Time & Expense application, you can enter the number of hours directly in this field.

Opportunities Grid

Use this grid to associate opportunities with an employee and to define the relationship between them. Both the employee and opportunity records will reflect the association. An opportunity record must exist in your database before you can associate it with an employee record. The fields in this grid display information from the opportunity record in the Opportunities hub.

In this grid, add and view the opportunities that are associated with an employee. The opportunities must already exist in the Opportunities hub before you can make the association. After you add an opportunity in this grid, the association is also added to the Team tab in the Opportunities hub in the Team Members grid. Likewise, any associations that are made in the Opportunities hub for an employee are automatically added to this Projects grid in the Employees hub.

Grid Tools

Field Description
+Add Opportunity Click this option below the grid to add an opportunity to the grid.
Hover over a row in the grid, click at the end of the row, and select one of the following options from the shortcut menu to apply to the row:
  • Copy: This copies the selected opportunity to a new row where you can edit it to add another opportunity for the employee.
  • Delete: This deletes the selected opportunity from the grid.
Click this icon at the top right of the grid to filter the list of opportunities in the grid to display only the opportunities that fit the criteria that you enter. In the blank row that is added to the top of the grid, enter filter criteria in one of the fields in the grid.

Grid Fields

Field Description
Opportunity Select the opportunity to associate with the employee.
Primary Client This field prefills and displays the primary client (a firm from the Firms hub) that is associated with the opportunity.
Primary Contact This field prefills with the primary contact for the opportunity.
Role Select the employee's role for the opportunity. Roles are defined by a system administrator in employee role options on the Lists tab in Labels and List Settings.
Role Description Enter additional information about the employee's role in pursuing this opportunity.
Status This field displays the status of the opportunity, such as Active or Inactive.