Edit an Opportunity Plan Structure

After you set up a plan structure for an opportunity, you can make changes to that structure on the Opportunity Plan Structure form.

To edit the plan structure for an opportunity:

  1. In the Navigation pane, go to the Resource Management section and click Opportunity Plan Structure.
  2. Select the opportunity.

    Result: The Plan Structure grid displays the current plan structure.

  3. To make changes to existing element names, project managers, or organizations, click on the element row and enter or select values in those fields.
  4. To make changes to the structure, click Edit Plan Structure on the Actions menu. Result: The Plan Structure grid switches to edit mode.
  5. Do any of the following:
    • Click on a row to add a new element below that row at the same level.
    • Click on a row to delete that element and any lower-level elements under it in the structure.
    • Click or on a row to move that element up or down in the list of elements for that level.
    • Click or on a row to move that element to the next higher level or next lower level in the structure.

    If one of these options is disabled, that indicates that the action would create a structure that was not valid and thus is not allowed for that element row.

  6. To save your changes, click Save Plan Structure.