Currency Tab of Copy Company Dialog Box

When you copy a company, the Currency tab will be populated with the original company's data. Update it to reflect the new company's data.


Field Description
Code Select the 3-character International Standards Organization code for the currency that you want to enable for this company.
Description This field displays the description for the currency code.
Functional Currency Select the functional currency for the code. This is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the company operates. Normally, this is the currency in which cash is generated and expended by the company. For example, a company located in France would normally use the euro as its functional or home currency.
Triangulation Currency Select the triangulation currency for the company. Deltek uses the triangulation currency when no published exchange rate exists between two currencies and thus it is not possible to perform either a direct exchange or an inverse exchange.
Insert Click this option to insert a blank line on the Enabled Currency grid so that you can add another currency.
Delete Select a line and click this option to delete a currency from the grid.