Contents of the Currency Override Dialog Box

The dialog box contains the following fields and options for currency overrides.


Field Description
Transaction Currency To use a different currency for expense rows you are going to add, select the currency in this field.
Payment Currency This field displays the currency used for expense payments. This is your company's functional currency.
Exchange Override Method Select the method you want to use to override the exchange rate:
  • To use the default rate for the currency in Transaction Currency, select None.
  • To use the rate in effect for the transaction currency on a date other than the expense item date, select Date.
  • To use a specific exchange rate instead of the default exchange rate, select Rate. (This option is not available if the currency in Transaction Currency is the same as the payment currency.)

If the currency in Transaction Currency is the same as the functional currency, you must override the date or rate at the detail level on the appropriate line in the expense report grid. Deltek displays a dialog box message that indicates the conflict.