Budget Tab of the Consolidated GL Budgeting Form

Use the Budget tab to enter general information, such as the budget name and period range, and associate accounts with the budget.


Field Description
Budget Name

Enter a name for the budget.

You cannot reuse a budget name. For example, you cannot have a budget named CORPORATE with a budget year of 2017 and another budget named CORPORATE with a budget year of 2018.

Budget Year When you create a new budget, the current year displays in this field. You can enter a different year for the budget. This value is used to select budgets by year in General Ledger reporting.
Group Select the consolidation group to associate with this budget. Users can only access budgets for consolidation groups to which they have the appropriate security access rights.
Automatically distribute annual budgets

Click this option to distribute the annual amount entered in the Annual field evenly across all periods of the budget. The distribution is calculated after you enter an annual value and move your cursor from the field.

You must select this option before you enter the annual amount.

Period Range Enter a numeric range of periods to include in the current budget. For example, if your periods coincide with calendar months, enter 1 in the first field and 12 in the second field to set up a budget for a year.
Company Select one of the companies included in the consolidation group.
Currency If you use multiple currencies, this field shows the currency associated with the consolidation group.
Distribute Annual

Click this option to divide the total budget amount in the Annual field of the selected row by the number of periods and enter the result in each of the period fields.

If you want to distribute the annual amount across all periods for each account in your budget, you must select Automatically distribute annual budgets before you enter an amount in the Annual field.

Reset Annual If you enter period budget amounts or change distributed amounts for an account, click this option to set the amount in the Annual field to the sum of the period amounts.
Refresh Names Click this option to restore the selected account name to the original name.
Insert Click this option to add an account to your budget.
Delete To delete an account from the budget, click the row for the account and then click this option.

Enter the number of the account that you want to add to the budget or select the account on the lookup.

You can only select the following accounts:

  • Accounts set up with the Available to all Companies option selected on the Accounts form (Settings > Accounting > Chart of Accounts)
  • Accounts set up for the companies in the consolidation group

If you company is listed in the Company field, you can only select from accounts set up for that company.

Account Name This field displays the name of the account from Accounting Settings, but you can change that name for the budget.
Annual Enter the total amount of the budget for the year.
Period columns Enter a budget amount for the account for each period in the budget.

Enter another annual amount that you want to save with the budget. The reference budget amount does not affect the distribution of the annual amount. It is for reference purposes only.

For example, if you want to compare different annual amounts, permanently change the annual amount, or adjust the annual amount but preserve a record of the original amount, you can enter the original amount as a reference budget in the Reference field.