Accounting Periods

You can set up accounting periods in Deltek based on your firm's accounting cycles and fiscal reporting requirements.

When you implement Deltek, you use the Utilities > Period Setup utility to establish accounting periods for your firm. You can:

  • Establish the number of accounting periods per year.
  • Change the start or end dates for each accounting period.
  • Close and re-open accounting periods.

You can enter between 1 and 99 accounting periods.

Firms typically use either:
  • 12 accounting periods per year, if they have a monthly accounting processing cycle.
  • 13 accounting periods per year, if they have four weeks in an accounting processing cycle.

Each time you log on to Deltek, you are prompted to select an accounting period. In general, you should enter and post all transaction data in the current period. However, you can set up Deltek to allow multi-period processing.