Contents of the Absence Hours Adjustments Form

Use these fields and options to view employee absence hours that have already been earned.


Field Description

Click this option to open the Absence Hours Adjustments dialog box, which lists current accrual data for the employee.

On the dialog box, enter an adjustment amount in the Earned and/or Taken fields. Deltek calculates the adjusted balance, or the number of hours credited to the employee's balance for the accrual plan after the adjustment, and displays the amount in the Adjusted Balance field.

Print Click this option to view the Absence Hours Processing Journal for the selected code in a preview page.


Field Description
Employee This field displays the employee number of the employee selected for an adjustment.
Code This field displays the code of the absence accrual plan for which you are entering an adjustment.
Description This field displays the name of the absence accrual plan for which you are entering an adjustment.
Current Balance This field displays the number of hours credited to the employee's balance for the accrual plan prior to the adjustment. Deltek calculates the current balance.
Earned This field displays the number of hours that this adjustment adds to the year-to-date earned amount for this accrual plan for the employee.
Taken This field displays the number of hours that this adjustment adds to the year-to-date taken amount for this accrual plan for the employee.
Adjusted Balance This field displays the number of hours credited to the employee's balance for the accrual plan after the adjustment. Deltek calculates the adjusted balance.