Accounts Payable Vouchers and Multiple Companies

When you track multiple companies in Deltek, you need to follow special steps when you process accounts payable voucher transaction files.

Because vendor records are available to all companies, everyone in your enterprise can use the same vendors.

However, accounting data for each vendor is set up on a company-by-company basis. For example, each company determines its own default payment terms and expense accounts, discount codes, Value Added Tax (VAT) and Goods and Services Tax (GST) tax code settings, and 1099 data. You use the Accounting tab of the Vendors hub to specify these settings.

To process a transaction file referencing a vendor record, you must select as the active company the same company that was active when you entered the vendor's accounting data.

For example, assume that Company A was the active company when you specified the accounting data for the vendor Executive Travel. You can process accounts payable voucher transactions for Executive Travel only if Company A is the active company. If you switch to another company, Executive Travel is not available for accounts payable voucher transactions (unless you have specified the same accounting data for Executive Travel in the second company).

Voucher Numbers

Voucher numbers must be unique across the enterprise. If you decide to enter voucher numbers manually, rather than having Deltek generate them automatically, you must specify a valid range of voucher numbers for each company.

Creating Vouchers from Purchase Orders

If you create a voucher from a purchase order and the default accounts for tax, shipping, or extra amounts (on the Accounts tab of Settings > Purchasing and Inventory > Company) are not valid for the project's company, Deltek uses the corresponding account from the Cost Distribution tab in Purchasing instead.

Liability Codes

When a voucher is posted, the associated liability code determines the liability account number and organization that receive the implicit posting for the total voucher amount.

Select liability codes on a company-by-company basis in Settings > Accounting > Company AP.

Bank Codes

Bank codes identify the banks on which payments may be drawn. If a company is also using multiple currencies, the bank code also defines the currency in which payments must be drawn on that bank.

You set up bank codes on a company-by-company basis in Settings > Accounting > Banks.