Table Dashparts

These dashparts displays read only data from a selected area of Deltek in a grid.

You can select which columns are displayed in the dashpart and organize the columns based on your preference. Table dashparts are represented with the icon in Dashparts of the Dashboard Designer form. When the report dashpart base is used for a table dashpart, the icon represents the dashpart in Dashparts instead. When table dashparts are viewed in Dashboard under My Stuff, table dashparts displays the appropriate information based on the access rights of the employee.

Some information in table dashparts are displayed as links that serve as quick access to the corresponding hub record. Click the links to display the hub record to get a more information on the linked record. Filter options are available when the table dashparts are viewed in Dashboard. The following table dashparts are available in Dashboard Designer:
Field Description
Opportunity Displays information that is based from the Opportunities hub.

The Opportunity table dashpart is available if the Resource Planning, CRM, or CRM Plus application is enabled. The columns and fields that are available for the Opportunity table dashpart are based on the enabled applications.

Project Displays information that is based from the Projects hub.
Favorite Report Displays the selected report from a list of global favorite reports from Reporting in the desktop application. Modify the information found in a global favorite report in the Reporting application. Any saved updates made to global favorite reports are reflected in the Favorite Report dashpart.

The Favorite Report dashpart automatically refreshes the report every 24 hours. The date and time when the report was updated is displayed in the right end of the dashpart title. You can use the refresh option in the report toolbar in the Favorite Report dashpart to update the displayed report.

Predefined Dashparts

On the Dashboard Designer form, some table dashparts can be found under Existing Dashparts even if you haven't created a table dashpart. These are predefined table dashparts that are ready to use and can be included in a dashboard that you are creating without any modification. They function like any other table dashpart except that it has some preselected columns. Unlike a system dashpart, you can modify predefined table dashparts and use it as a baseline for a table dashpart that you need so that you don't start from nothing.