
The Billing application lets you bill labor, expenses, fees, and units in all industry-standard formats; process, modify, approve, accept, and print invoices; and generate billing-related reports.

You can use the Billing application to:

  • Automatically calculate your company's invoices from previously posted labor and expense transactions.
  • Customize the format of invoices to your company's specifications.
  • Choose from various methods for calculating billing amounts.
  • Transfer labor, expense, and unit transactions from one project to another.

To produce invoices, Deltek uses information from the hubs and the billing terms that you establish for each project.

With Multiple Currencies and Multiple Companies

If you use multiple currencies, Billing can generate invoices in any currency that you establish and manage a project in one currency but bill the project in a separate currency.

If you use multiple companies, you set Billing options on a per-company basis. Lower levels of the work breakdown structure (phases, tasks) for any project may belong to different companies.

Use the Intercompany Billing feature to redistribute financial information between companies that share labor or expense resources on the same project. With Intercompany Billing, you can also generate intercompany invoices and intercompany Accounts Payable vouchers.