When you save a set of reporting options or save a search, you can simultaneously create a folder in which to store it. To do that, enter the path and folder name in the
Folder Name field.
When you specify the path, use the backslash symbol (\) between folder names in the path:
Personal Options\folder 1\folder 2
Suppose you want to save reporting options related to the Fenway Park project in a single folder. Within that folder, you want subfolders for each type of report (project reports, employee reports, and so on).
You have just specified options for the Project Progress report, and now you want to save them as a saved set of options. You do the following:
In the
Folder Name field in the Organize Options dialog box, enter the following:
Personal Options\Fenway Park\Project reports
In the
Save Name field, enter
Project Progress.
When you display the folder structure to select a saved set of options for a report, it looks similar to the following:
Global Options
Personal Options
Fenway Park
Project reports
Office Earnings
Project Progress
Right-Click Options for Working with Folders, Saved Options, and Saved Searches
When you display a lookup list for saved options or saved searches in the Options dialog box or the Organize dialog box, you can right-click folders, saved options, or saved searches to do the following:
Create a new subfolder
Rename the folder, saved options, or saved search
Delete the folder, saved options, or saved search
Select the saved options as your default for the report