Labor Resource Forecast General Tab

Use the General tab to select report options for the Labor Resource Actuals report and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Report Name You can change the default report name.
Format Select the type of data the report displays for each employee:
  • Hours

  • Cost Amount

  • Billing Amount

  • Revenue

  • Percentage — Select this option to display the ratio of employee actual hours to expected hours for each period, expressed as a percentage. For example, if an employee's expected number of hours for a period is 40 and she works 50 hours, the report displays 125 (125%) for that period.

  • Alerts — To identify deviations from the expected working hours for employees, select this option and enter a percentage in Standard Utility Percentage. The report displays OVER for a period for employees whose hours exceed the expected hours by more than the percentage in Standard Utility Percentage. It displays UNDER for a period for employees whose hours are less than the expected hours by more than the percentage in Standard Utility Percentage. (The expected hours are specified in Hours/Day on the Personal tab of the Employee Info Center.)

If you select Alerts, also enter a percentage in Standard Utility Percentage.

If you select Percentage or Alerts, Vision takes into consideration the holidays and non-working days in the calendar on the Holiday Configuration form (Configuration > General > Holiday Calendar) when it calculates expected hours.

Your access to labor cost rates and amounts may be restricted by role security.

Standard Utility Percentage If you select Alerts in Format, enter a percentage to indicate how far an employee's actual hours can vary from the expected hours before it results in an UNDER or OVER alert on the report.

For example, suppose you enter 10 in Standard Utility Percentage. If the number of expected hours for an employee for a period is 100 hours, and that employee only works 85 hours, the report displays UNDER for that period. The actual hours are more than ten percent less than the expected hours. If the employee works 95 hours, the report displays OK for the period. The actual hours are less than the expected hours, but the variance is only five percent. If the employee works 112 hours, the report displays OVER for the period because the actual hours are over ten percent more than the expected hours.

If you do not enter a percentage, the report displays UNDER or OVER for any variance from the expected hours.

Period Scale Select one of the following period scales.
  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Bi-Weekly — A two-week period.

  • Semi-Monthly — One semi-monthly period runs from the first to the fifteenth of the month. The second semi-monthly period runs from the sixteenth to the end of the month.

  • Monthly

  • Accounting Period

  • Quarterly

  • Yearly

For example, if you want the report to display monthly totals of hours or amounts, select Monthly.

Start Day of the Week If you select Weekly or Bi-Weekly in Period Scale, select the starting day of the week.

The default selection is the day specified in Starting Day of Week on the Plan Settings form (Configuration > Planning > Plan Settings).

Range Select the number of reporting periods to display. The maximum number is 20.

This option determines the number of periods, and the Period Scale option determines the type of period. For example, if you select Monthly in Period Scale and 6 in Range, the report displays data for six monthly periods.

Decimal Setting Select the number of decimal digits to display for hours or amounts.

If you select Hours in Format, your options are the following:

  • No Decimal — The report displays the number of hours without decimal digits (12).

  • 1 Digit — The report displays the number of hours with one digit to the right of the decimal point (12.1).

  • 2 Digits — The report displays the number of hours with two digits to the right of the decimal point (12.13).

If you select Cost Amount, Billing Amount, or Revenue in Format, your options are the following:

  • No Decimal — The report displays amounts without decimal digits (12).

  • Currency — The report displays amounts with the number of decimal digits specified for the currency in the Currency Configuration form.

If the Format option is set to Alerts or Percentage, this option is not available.

Column Width Enter the width of each of the period columns in inches or millimeters based on which one you selected in the Unit of Measure field on the Layout tab of the Options dialog box.

Vision automatically keeps this option and the Width option for these columns on the Columns tab the same. If you change the width for the period columns in either place, Vision changes the value of the other to match.

Start Date Select the starting date for the data on the report:
  • Today — The report displays data starting with the current date.

  • Specific Date — The report displays data starting with the date you specify. Enter the date, or click and select the date.

Exclude Non-working Days If you select Daily in Period Scale, select this check box if you do not want the report to display reporting period columns for the non-work days specified in the company calendars on the Holiday Configuration form (Configuration > General > Holiday Calendar).

The primary purpose of this option is to reserve space on the report for work days.

Apply Plan Probability to All Amounts Select this check box if you want Vision to include plan probabilities when it calculates plan amounts.

For example, if the plan probability is 50%, the amounts that the report displays for the plan are 50% of the original amounts.

Only Include Plans Marked for Utilization and Project Reports If you select this option, the report includes only those plans that you select in the Plan Lookup dialog box for which the Include in Utilization and Project Reports option is selected on the General tab of the Project Planning form.

If you do not select this option, the report includes all plans that you select in the Plan Lookup dialog box.

Only Include Mapped Plans Select this option to only include plans that are mapped to projects.

To map a plan to a project, you connect a plan's elements to existing or to-be-created projects, phases, and tasks. As you charge actual time and expenses to the project, Vision automatically updates your plan with those hours and amounts.