Share Calendar Dialog Box

Use the Share Calendar dialog box to specify other users with whom you want to share your activity calendar.

If you use the Vision Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application, you can share your calendar with other CRM users.


To share your calendar with other users, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Calendar/Activities > Calendar.
  2. On the Activity Calendar toolbar, click View > Share Calendar.
  3. Use the Insert and Delete grid options to insert and delete users with whom you want to share your calendar, and then click Save.


Field Description
Users with Calendar Access Drop-down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Insert Click this option to add a user to the grid on the Share Calendar dialog box. This allows that user to open and view your activity calendar.

When you click Insert, Vision displays a standard lookup. This lookup displays the user IDs and names of the employees at your firm who are CRM users. Use the lookup to select one or more employees with whom you want to share your activity calendar. When you select an employee, Vision enters the employee's user ID, name, and number in the grid.

Delete Click a user name in the grid on the Share Calendar dialog box, and click this option to remove the user from the grid. When you delete a user from the grid, the user no longer has access to your activity calendar.
User This field displays the user ID of the employee with whom your share your activity calendar.
Name This field displays the name of the user with whom you share your activity calendar.
Employee # This field displays the employee identification number of the user with whom share your activity calendar.
Save Click this option to close the dialog box and save your entries.
Cancel Click this option to close the dialog box without saving your entries.