Invoice Terms Dialog Box of Intercompany Billing

Use the Invoice Terms dialog box to set up invoice terms between two companies in your enterprise.

You must establish invoice terms for each pair of companies in your enterprise in order to maintain the paper trail provided by intercompany invoices and accounts payable vouchers. This dialog box is available only if you use detailed subledgers.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Intercompany Billing.
  2. Click Invoice Terms on the toolbar.


Field Description
Company Running Intercompany Billing From the drop-down arrow list, select the company that generates the intercompany invoice. If the companies will bill each other, you must set up terms twice for the pair, once with one company in Company Running Intercompany Billing and once with the other company in that field.
Company Receiving Intercompany Voucher From the drop-down list, select the company for which the intercompany voucher is generated to pay the corresponding intercompany invoice.


Field Description
Project Click to select the intercompany invoice project, phase, and task.

This project should belong to the company in the Company Running Intercompany Billing.

Tax Codes Click the drop-down arrows to select the tax codes for the intercompany invoice. How Vision determines tax amounts for intercompany invoices depends on how the tax codes are set up on the Tax Codes form, on the types of transactions (labor, expense, or balance sheet), and on the accounts involved in the transactions.
Labor Section Select the options that you want to include on the intercompany invoice:
  • Show Date — This option displays the date of the original labor transaction.
  • Show Multiplier — This option displays the multiplier for the original labor transaction, and the markup amount, as a separate line on the invoice.
  • Show Comments — This option displays the contents of the Comment field from the original labor transaction.
Expense Section Select the options that you want to include on the intercompany invoice:
  • Show Date — This option displays the date of the original expense transaction.
  • Show Multiplier — This option displays the multiplier for the original expense transaction, and the markup amount, as a separate line on the invoice.
Billing Currency For Multicurrency, this field displays the billing currency of the intercompany invoice project.


Field Description
Project Click and select the intercompany voucher project, phase, and task. This project should belong to the company in Company Receiving Intercompany Voucher.
Tax Codes If the Enable tax auditing feature option is selected for the company in Company Receiving Intercompany Voucher, you can select up to three tax codes to be used for intercompany vouchers for that company.

Tax codes are optional, even if tax codes are specified in the Invoice group box. If both companies involved are in the same tax jurisdictions, you can specify the same tax codes for each. If they are not, you may prefer to not specify tax codes for intercompany vouchers, and let Vision post all tax expense for those vouchers to a single tax expense account.

If the intercompany invoice includes a tax for which there is no corresponding tax code specified for the intercompany voucher, the tax amount is posted to the account you specify in Tax Expense Account in this dialog box rather than to a debit account associated with a tax code.

You can also have different numbers of tax codes for invoices and vouchers. For example, if you specify tax codes A and B for invoices but only tax code A for vouchers, Vision posts the tax expense amount for tax code A to the debit account for that tax code and posts the tax expense for tax code B to the account in Tax Expense Account.

Tax Expense Account Click and select a tax expense account for intercompany vouchers. This account is only used if the intercompany invoice includes a tax for which there is no corresponding tax code specified for the intercompany voucher. In that case, the tax amount is posted to this account rather than to a debit account associated with a tax code.

Entries for this account are not posted to the General Ledger.

The account must be compatible with the project's charge type. For example, if the project is an overhead project, the account must be an indirect or overhead account.

Bank Click the drop-down arrow to select the bank on which the intercompany voucher accounts payable check will be drawn.
A/P Liability Click the drop-down arrow to select the accounts payable liability code to use for the intercompany voucher. You must select a liability code that is mapped to the Intercompany Accounts Payable account.
Payment Currency For Multicurrency, this field displays the voucher's payment currency. The bank code determines the currency in which the intercompany voucher accounts payable check will be drawn. During bank code setup, you specify an account for which a currency has been specified; this is the payment currency.
Exchange Override Rate For Multicurrency, this field displays the exchange override rate. You can leave the rate as is or enter an override that Vision will use to convert the voucher amount from the intercompany invoicing company's functional currency to the voucher's payment currency. To avoid currency exchange gains or losses, use the rate in effect on the date of the original labor or expense transaction.
Delete setup between these companies Click this button to delete the current settings for the two companies specified.