Select Posting Runs Dialog Box

Use the Select Posting Runs dialog box to select an existing posting run or to create a new one.


To display the dialog box, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing. If you need a different posting run, click Open on the toolbar of the A/P Payment Processing form.


Field Description
Open After you select a posting run that has been started but not completed, click this option to open the posting run on the A/P Payment Processing form.
New Click this option to start a new posting run on the A/P Payment Processing form.
Delete Click this option to delete the highlighted posting run.
Seq This field displays the Vision sequence number given to the posting run.
Name This field displays the Vision username of the person who created the posting run.
Started This field displays the date and time when the posting run was created.
Payment Date This field displays the date when payment numbers were assigned or checks were printed.
Post Comment This field displays the status of the posting run, such as Assigned or Printed.
Period This field identifies the accounting period that is active when you start the Payment Processing session.