Merge an SF255 Proposal
After you finish adding data to the SF255 form tabs, you can merge the data, using SF255 merge templates, to make a formatted SF255 proposal.
The merged file is an .rtf file type. After the merge completes, you can reopen the saved file in Microsoft Word, run a graphics macro if the file has graphics, and save the file as a .doc file. The file type of the merge template itself must be .rtf.
The merge process gives these names to the sections of the proposal:
First Page: File Name1.doc
Second Page: File Name2.doc
One Per Page Employees pages: File Name3.doc
Two Per Page Employees pages: File Name7.doc
Projects page: File Name4.doc
Federal Projects page: File Name5.doc
Narrative page: File Name6.doc
The Employee page layout controls the template that Vision uses to merge the Employee section of an SF255. Employees for whom a one-per-page layout is specified merge with the template S5OneEmp.rtf. Employees for whom a two-per-page layout is specified merge with the template S5TwoEmp.rtf.
If you have mixed page layouts in the Employee section, you must perform a merge procedure again. Each time you perform the merge procedure you select all of the employees who have the same layouts. After you complete these procedures, you can merge all sections of the SF255 proposal.
To merge an SF255, complete the following steps:
- From the Vision Navigation menu, click Proposals > SF255 Proposals.
- On the SF255 toolbar, click Save.
On the toolbar, click
, Preferences.
- On the General tab, specify the Default 255 Template and click OK.
- On the toolbar, click Merge.
- On the Merge 255 Form dialog box, select the 255 Sections to merge.
- Enter a filename.
- Click Merge.
On the File Download dialog box, if you are merging one page at a time, you can click
Open to open the file in Microsoft Word or
Save to save the file. If you merge more than one page at the same time, you must click
When you click Save, the Save As dialog box opens briefly for the first page. Then the File Download dialog box opens. A separate File Download title bar for each page appears in the task bar, on the lower edge of your screen.
As you save each file, a Download Complete dialog box displays.