Transaction Types

Many transaction processing types are available in the Vision Transaction Center.

Transaction Type Purpose Posting Account — Debit Posting Account — Credit
A/P Disbursements Enter details for accounts payable disbursements. Explicit

Expense account specified in Transaction Entry.


Asset account associated with the bank code specified in Transaction Entry.

A/P Vouchers Enter or edit details for accounts payable vouchers. Explicit

Expense account specified in Transaction Entry.


Accounts payable account associated with the vendor liability code.

Cash Disbursements Enter the payments that you write from your cash accounts. Explicit

Expense account specified in Transaction Entry.


Asset account associated with the bank code specified in Transaction Entry.

Cash Receipts Enter the deposits that you make to your cash accounts.


Asset account associated with the bank code specified in Transaction Entry.


Accounts receivable account specified in Transaction Entry.

Employee Expenses Enter employee travel and meal expenses, or any other expenses incurred for business purposes. Explicit

Expense account specified in Transaction Entry.


Employee expense credit (expense) account specified in Accounting Configuration.

Employee Repayments Enter repayments that an employee makes to the firm when the employee does not use the full amount of an expense advance. Explicit

Asset account associated with the bank code specified in Transaction Entry.


Employee advance account specified in Accounting Configuration.

Invoices Enter bills that you have sent to clients. Implicit

Accounts receivable account mapped from Invoice Mapping Accounts in Accounts Receivable Configuration.


Revenue account specified in Invoice Mapping Accounts in Accounts Receivable Configuration.

Journal Entries Enter non-cash transactions and reclassify posted transaction amounts. Use journal entries to enter payroll, withholding, and benefit accrual data (if you are not using the Vision Payroll application); and to depreciate assets and redistribute expenses. Explicit

Account specified in Transaction Entry.


Account specified in Transaction Entry.

Labor Adjustments Enter corrections to labor charges that have already been posted to the database. Implicit

Direct expense account debited for original transaction (direct labor).

Indirect expense account debited for original transaction (indirect labor).


Labor credit account (job cost variance).

Miscellaneous Expenses Enter expenses that do not fit into another expense category, including telephone, postage and shipping, CAD, models, and photography. This transaction type is designed to take previously costed overhead items and distribute their cost to revenue producing projects. Explicit

Expense account specified in Transaction Entry.


Miscellaneous credit (expense) account specified in Accounting Configuration.

Prints and Reproductions Enter expenses related to printing and photocopying. Explicit

Expense account specified in Transaction Entry.


Reproductions credit (expense) account specified in Accounting Configuration.

Timesheets Enter employee labor charges. Implicit

Direct expense account (direct labor) specified in Accounting Configuration.

Indirect expense account (indirect labor) specified in Accounting Configuration.


Labor credit account (job cost variance) specified in Accounting Configuration.

Units Enter expense charges made using units. Units are goods or services that you cost and/or bill at a fixed rate. Explicit

Expense account associated with the selected unit.


Revenue account specified in unit table.