Activity Summary Report Columns

You can choose columns to include on the Activity Summary report. Some display by default and others are optional. You select the columns on the Columns tab.


Field Description
Subject This field displays a brief description of the activity such as Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, or Follow-up Visit.
Location This field displays the location where the activity occurred or will occur.
Type This field displays the activity type, such as Meetings or Phone Calls. You can define additional activity type values in the Activity Types Code Table in Code Table Configuration.
Priority This field indicates the relative importance of an activity. The priority setting can be High, Medium, or Low.
Private This Yes/No field indicates whether or not the activity is a private activity.
  • Y — Yes, the activity is private. Only the activity owner and attendees can view activity details.
  • N — No, the activity is not private. All shared calendar users can view activity details.
Completed This Yes/No field indicates whether or not the activity has been completed.
Client Name This field displays the name of the client who is associated with the activity.
Opportunity Name This field displays the name of the opportunity associated with the activity.
Project Name This field displays the name of the project associated with the activity.
Owner Name This field displays the name of the person in your firm who is responsible for this activity. Typically, the activity owner is the person who scheduled the activity.
Created By This field displays the name of the user who created the activity. Typically, this is the activity owner.
Create User This field displays the Vision user ID of the user who created the activity. Typically, this is the activity owner.
Start Date This field displays the date on which the activity is scheduled to begin.
End Date This field displays the date on which the activity is scheduled to end.
Marketing Campaign This field displays the name of the marketing campaign associated with the activity.
Attendee Name This field lists the names of the employees at your firm who are scheduled to participate in the activity.
Attendee Title This field lists the titles of the employees at your firm who are scheduled to participate in the activity.
Contact Name This field displays the names of contacts (and includes the primary contact) who are scheduled to participate in the activity.
Contact Title This field displays the titles of contacts (and includes the primary contact) who are scheduled to participate in the activity.
Contact Phone This field displays the contact's business phone number.
Contact Fax This field displays the contact's fax number.
Contact Mobile This field displays the contact's mobile (cell phone) number.
Contact Home Phone This field displays the contact's home phone number.
Contact Pager This field displays the contact's pager number.
Contact Email This field displays the contact's business email address.
Lead Name This field displays the names of the leads who are scheduled to participate in the activity.
Lead Title This field displays the titles of the leads who are scheduled to participate in the activity.
Company This field displays the names of the companies where leads are employed or for which leads are serving as representatives.
User-defined activity fields These are the user-defined activity fields that you set up in Configuration > General > User Defined Components.