Copy Budget Amounts Dialog Box

You can create a budget, add accounts to it, and then populate it with budget amounts from the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, or another budget. Use the Copy Budget Amounts dialog box to specify the source of the budget amounts.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Budgeting > General Ledger.
  2. On the toolbar, click Tools > Copy Amounts.


Field Description
Copy Amounts From Select the source of the budget amounts that you want to copy.
From Budget If you selected Another Budget in the Copy Amounts From field, select the budget from this field.
Year If you selected Income Statement or Balance Sheet in the Copy Amounts From field, select the year of the Income Statement or Balance Sheet that contains the amounts to copy.
Period Range Select the range of periods from which to copy amounts.
Annualize amounts into annual budget If you select this option, Vision adds up the amounts for each period and enters the total in the Annual field on the Budget grid.

If you do not select this option, Vision leaves the Annual fields blank. To display a total amount in the Annual field, click Reset Annual.

Copy for all accounts Select this option to copy amounts for all accounts in the selected budget.
OK Click this button to start the copy.
Cancel Click this button to close the dialog box without copying budget amounts.