Originating Vendors

For line items that you enter for employee expense reports, accounts payable vouchers, and accounts payable disbursements, you can enter an originating vendor (if appropriate), in addition to the actual employee or vendor who is getting directly paid.

This allows you to identify and track amounts that are directly and indirectly paid to a vendor. An originating vendor is indirectly paid when you pay another actual vendor or employee.

  • An employee's expense report includes purchases from a number of different vendors, such as a hotel or airline. The employee already paid the hotel and airline vendor on your behalf. Now you are reimbursing the employee for your company's expenses.
  • An accounts payable voucher for a credit card vendor includes items purchased from a number of different vendors. You are indirectly paying these different vendors when you pay the credit card vendor.
This feature allows you to:
  • See the originating vendors for line items on expense reports, transaction posting logs, and transaction lists for informational purposes.
  • Use the Tax Analysis Report to view tax amounts that are paid both directly and indirectly to a vendor.

You turn on the Originating Vendor feature on the Tax Auditing tab in Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings.

When you select the Enable Originating Vendor for Employee Expenses and A/P Vouchers check box on the Tax Auditing tab in Accounting Company Settings:
  • An Originating Vendor column displays in the following locations in Vision:
    • In Transaction Center > Transaction Entry in the following locations:
      • In the A/P Voucher grid on the A/P Vouchers form
      • In the A/P Disbursements grid on the A/P Disbursements form
      • In the Employee Expenses grid on the Employee Expenses form
    • In Time & Expense > Expense Report, in the Expense Report grid on the Expense Report form

    Entering a vendor in the Originating Vendor column in these grids is optional.

  • The following reports display the originating vendor:
    • Tax Analysis Report
    • A/P Voucher, A/P Disbursement, and Expenses Transaction Lists
    • A/P Voucher, A/P Disbursement, and Expenses Posting Logs
    • Time & Expense Employee Expense Detailed Report