By Category Method (Labor)

The By Category method calculates labor billings based on categories and rates defined in Labor Category Tables, which are assigned to employees through the Employee Info Center.

You can override the default category specified in the Employee Info Center using an Override Table or the Labor Category table. Although the rate in the rate table or override table is typically the full billing rate, you can apply up to three multipliers to the rate.

A Labor Category Table or Labor Override Table is required with this method.


The billing extension is calculated as:

Extension = Hours * Rate for the Category * Multiplier(s)

Determination of Rate

To determine the billing rate for an employee, Vision uses the billing rate specified for the employee in an override or category table at the time that the employee charged time to a project. Override tables may override an employee's rate or an employee's category used to determine the rate.

Vision follows the following hierarchy to determine the category and the rate:

  1. If the employee is associated with a category in an override table with a non-zero rate, Vision uses the associated rate. Vision also applies any non-zero multipliers to this rate, regardless of the override rate type (Billing, Cost, or Maximum Cost Rate).

  2. If an override table exists for the project and the employee appears in the table with a rate of zero, Vision overrides the employee’s category with the override category specified in the table. Vision then locates the category’s entry in the project’s category rate table to determine the rate. Vision also applies any non-zero multiplier to this rate, regardless of the override rate type.

  3. If the employee is not in the specified override table, or no override table is specified, Vision uses the category and rate from the category rate table specified at the time of posting. Vision then applies all non-zero multipliers to this rate.

  4. If the employee is not assigned to a category in the specified override or category table, Vision retrieves the employee’s category from the Labor Category field on the Employee Info Center's Accounting tab. If a category table is specified, Vision refers to the table to determine the rate.

  5. If neither an override table rate nor a category table rate exists for the employee, Vision uses a rate of zero for that employee.