Time and Expense Overview

Use the two applications in Vision Time and Expense, Timesheet and Expense Report, to record your time and expense charges and submit them for processing.

Timesheet and Expense Report data entry transactions processed using the Vision Time and Expense application are separate and distinct from Timesheet and Expense Report data entry transactions processed using the Vision Transaction Center.

Before you can begin using either the Timesheet or Expense Report applications, your system administrator must configure processing options in Time & Expense Configuration.


If you are using the Multicompany feature and using Intercompany Billing, you can share employee resources among companies while maintaining accounting for both labor and expense charges associated with shared work efforts.

  • Labor Charges — For example, an employee from one company can charge time to another company's project, phase, or task on his or her timesheet.

  • Expense Charges — Similarly, the employee can charge travel, meals, and other expenses to another company's project on his or her expense report.

You can also configure Vision to use detailed subledgers, which makes it possible for you to generate intercompany invoices and accounts payable vouchers.

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