General Ledger Data Cube Measures

You can specify measures for various GL groups, including budgeting and consolidation groups.

Consolidated GL Budgeting Group

This applies only if you use the Multicompany feature.

For consolidated GL budget reports, you must:

  • Create consolidated GL budgets in Vision Accounting > Budgeting > Consolidated G/L.

  • Complete consolidated reporting configuration in Vision Configuration > Organization > Consolidated Reporting.

  • Run the consolidation process in Vision Accounting > Consolidations.

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Consolidated GL Budgeting measure on a report:

  • Accounts

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Consolidated GL Budgeting

  • Presentation Currency


  • Consolidated GL Budget Amount — This is the budget amount for an account (entered on the Budget tab in Vision Accounting > Budgeting > Consolidated G/L) in the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods dimensions group in the Excel PivotTable Field List.

Consolidated GL Reporting Group


These measures are available only if you use the Multicompany feature.

For consolidated general ledger reports, you must:

  • Complete consolidated reporting configuration in Vision Configuration > Organization > Consolidated Reporting.

  • Run the consolidation process in Vision Accounting > Consolidations.

For more information about Vision General Ledger consolidated reporting, see Consolidated General Ledger Reports Overview.

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the Consolidated GL Reporting measures on a report:

  • Accounts

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Consolidated GL Reporting

  • Organizations

  • Presentation Currency


  • Consolidated Eliminations Amount — This is the amount that was eliminated during the consolidation processing for the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods or Transaction Dates dimension groups in the PivotTable Field List.

  • Consolidated GL Amount — This is the amount of the account activity during the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods or Transaction Dates dimensions group in the PivotTable Field List.

  • Consolidated GL Balance Closing — This is the balance in an account at the end of the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods dimension group in the PivotTable Field List. This is calculated with values from the current period and all prior periods. If an account has a positive balance, the amount will be positive, regardless of whether it is a debit or credit.

Cash Basis Folder

Select cash-basis measures only if you enabled cash-basis reporting on the Reporting tab in Configuration > Accounting > System Settings.

To see net change amounts or ending balances for cash-based accounts, you must establish balances for cash-based accounts or post transactions to these accounts after you enable the cash-basis accounting feature.


  • Consolidated Eliminations Amount - Cash Basis — This is the amount that was eliminated during the consolidation process for the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods or Transaction Dates dimension groups in the PivotTable Field List for cash-basis reporting.

  • Consolidated GL Amount - Cash Basis — This is the amount of the account activity during the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods or Transaction Dates dimension group in the PivotTable Field List for cash-basis reporting.

  • Consolidated GL Balance Closing - Cash Basis — This is the balance in an account at the end of the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods dimension group in the PivotTable Field List for cash-basis reporting. This is calculated with the values from the current period and all prior periods. If an account has a positive balance, the amount will be positive, regardless of whether it is a debit or credit.

General Ledger Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the General Ledger measures on a report:

  • Account Groups

  • Accounts

  • Employees

  • Fiscal Periods

  • Organizations

  • Presentation Currency

  • Projects

  • Transaction Dates

  • Transaction Types

  • Vendors



  • Amount — This is the amount of the account activity during the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods or Transaction Dates dimension groups in the PivotTable Field List.

  • Amount Credit — This is the total credits posted to this account during the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods or Transaction Dates dimension groups in the PivotTable Field List. These are the negative values in the Ledger tables with their absolute value displayed on reports.

  • Amount Debit — This is the total debits posted to this account during the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods or Transaction Dates dimension groups in the PivotTable Field List. These are the positive values in the Ledger tables.

  • Balance Closing — This is the balance in an account at the end of the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods dimension group in the PivotTable Field List. This is calculated with values from the current period and all prior periods. If an account has a positive balance, the amount will be positive, regardless of whether it is a debit or credit.

  • Balance Opening — This is the balance in an account at the beginning of the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods dimension group in the PivotTable Field List. This is calculated with values from all prior periods and excludes values from the current period. If an account has a positive balance, the amount will be positive, regardless of whether it is a debit or credit.


Cash Basis Folder

Select cash-basis measures only if you enabled cash-basis reporting on the General tab in Configuration > Accounting > System Settings.


  • Amount – Cash Basis — This is the amount of the account activity during the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods or Transaction Dates dimension groups in the PivotTable Field List for cash-basis reporting.

  • Amount Credit – Cash Basis — This is the total credits posted to this account during the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods or Transaction Dates dimension groups in the PivotTable Field List for cash-basis reporting. These are the negative values in the Ledger tables with their absolute value displayed in reports.

  • Amount Debit – Cash Basis — This is the total debits posted to this account during the time frame that you selected from the Fiscal Periods or Transaction Dates dimension groups in the PivotTable Field List for cash-basis reporting. These are the positive values in the Ledger tables.

  • Balance Closing – Cash Basis — This is the balance in an account at the end of the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods dimension group in the PivotTable Field List for cash-basis reporting. This is calculated with the values from the current period and all prior periods. If an account has a positive balance, the amount will be positive, regardless of whether it is a debit or credit.

  • Balance Opening – Cash Basis — This is the balance in an account at the beginning of the time frame that you select from the Fiscal Periods dimension group in the PivotTable Field List for cash-basis reporting. This is calculated with the values from all prior periods and excludes values from the current period. If an account has a positive balance, the amount will be positive, regardless of whether it is a debit or credit.

GL Budgeting Group

Valid Dimension and Measure Combinations

The following are valid dimension groups that you can use with the GL Budgeting measure on a report:

  • Account Groups

  • Accounts

  • Fiscal Periods

  • General Ledger Budgeting

  • Organizations

  • Presentation Currency


  • Budget Amount — This is the total amount of the budget as entered in the Annual field on the Budget tab of the General Ledger Budgeting form in Vision Accounting Budgeting General Ledger.