Labor Billing Tab of Project Budget Worksheet

Your project job-to-date labor budget lets you keep track of all labor to be charged to a project. Use this tab to establish your labor billing amounts.


Field Description
Start Date Enter the start date for work on this labor code or click and select a date.
End Date Enter the end date for work on this labor code or click and select a date.
Overall % Cmplt In this field, you can enter an overall percent complete for the entire project. If you do so, the percentage you specify here overrides the overall percent complete that Vision calculates.
Lab % Cmplt For any project, you can define an overall labor percent complete, an overall expense percent complete, or both, for your project:
  • You define the overall labor percent complete here in the Lab % Complt field.
  • You define the overall expense percent complete in the Exp % Complt field on the Expense Billing tab or Expense Costs tab.
Project Currency/ Billing Currency If you use Multicurrency, this field shows the currency code, such as USD or EUR, for the project selected.

The type of currency, project or billing, is based on the setting for the Use billing currency not Project currency option on the Reporting tab of Accounting System Settings :

  • If this option is selected in Configuration, the field displays the three-character currency code for the project's billing currency.
  • If this option is cleared in Configuration, this field displays the three-character currency code for the project's project currency.

Labor Billing Grid

Field Description
Insert Click this option to insert a row beneath the current row.
Delete Click the row to select it, then click this option to delete the row.
Labor Code Your labor budgets are based on labor codes. You can insert a new row to add a new budget line for any labor code that is valid for the current project. If you are inserting a row, you can enter a labor code in this field or click and select a labor code on the Lookup dialog of valid labor codes for the project.
Description This field shows the description for the labor code that you specify in the Labor Code field.
Pct Complete Enter your estimate of how far work has progressed on the project for this labor code. Deltek recommends that you update the percent complete on a regular basis.
Hours Enter the job-to-date budgeted number of hours for work to be performed under the labor code for the project.
Rate Enter the job-to-date budgeted rate for work to be performed under the labor code for the project. This rate is stored as the billing rate.
Amount This is the budgeted monetary amount for the labor to be charged to the labor code for the project. Vision automatically calculates this amount based on the hours and rate. To override the calculated amount, enter a different amount in this field.
EAC Hrs Estimate at Completion Hours

Enter your estimate of the total number of hours that will have been worked at the completion of the project, as reported for this labor code.

EAC Amt Estimate at Completion Amount

Enter your estimate of the total billing amount that will have been incurred at the completion of the project, as reported for this labor code.

ETC Hrs Estimate to Complete Hours

Enter your estimate of the total additional hours, beyond those worked to date, that are required to complete the work for this labor code.

ETC Amt Estimate to Complete Amount

Enter your estimate of the total additional billing amount required to complete the work for this labor code.

Start Date Enter the start date for work on this labor code or click and select a date.
End Date Enter the end date for work on this labor code or click and select a date.
JTD Hours This field shows the actual hours reported, job-to-date, for this labor code, as calculated at the most recent posting.
JTD Spent This field shows the actual billing amount spent, job-to-date, for this labor code, as calculated at the most recent posting. Vision calculates billing amounts based on the billing terms in effect at the time of the posting.

When you post a transaction, Vision looks at the applicable billing terms to determine billing rates for project reporting purposes. If you later update the billing terms, your updates are not reflected on the project reports unless you refresh billing extensions. You should refresh billing extensions when you create or change the billing terms for any project, or after posting transactions for that project during the current period

If your firm uses the Multicurrency feature, the currency for this amount is based on the setting for the Use billing currency not Project currency option on the Reporting tab of Accounting System Settings:

  • If this option is selected in Configuration, the amount in this field is based on the project's billing currency.
  • If this option is cleared in Configuration, the amount in this field is based on the project currency.